The Nutritional Value of Fish

Fish is an excellent nutritional choice and part of eating a healthy diet. Fish is a major source of long-chain Omega-3 fats and rich in nutrients like selenium and Vitamin D. Being low in saturated fat and high in protein, it is a perfect part of any meal. Eating one to two 3-ounce servings a week reduces the risk of heart disease by 36 percent. The nutritional value of fish extends to the actual fish oil. Eating fish oil in the form of the actual fish or taking tablets is helpful for maintaining a healthy heart and blood vessels. Fish oil improves blood vessel function and lowers triglycerides while easing inflammation. Studies have shown that the nutritional value of fish may even reduce the risk of stroke, Alzheimer’s, and some types of depression.

Calories in fish varies depending on the fish and how it is cooked. Most 3-ounce servings of fish contain 76-100 calories. However, the calories in fish can increase if the fish is fried or marinated in buttery sauces. To maintain a healthy level of calories in fish, opt for broiled or grilled versions at restaurants. If you cook at home, it is easier to control the calories in fish dishes by using healthy ingredients. Be sure to forgo the less healthy side dishes that often come with the healthy dish. It is easy to underestimate the nutritional value of the meal when just considering the fish nutrition facts. Baked potatoes with lots of butter, rich creamy pasta dishes, or French fries can throw the balance off the low calories in fish you are consuming.

The key to adding fish to your diet and enjoying it, is to find various herbs and spices that really jazz up the flavor. Butter and breading are rarely needed when the recipe calls for delicious flavor-enhancing spices. If you must use oil, consider using olive or sunflower oil. Both have monounsaturated fats that are naturally healthy when consumed in small portions.

Choosing fish instead of other types of fattening proteins is a great way to eat healthy and keep your meals low in calories.

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